
Apply for JRH editorial board positions

NRHA is not currently seeking canditates for the editorial board for the association's Journal of Rural Health. The deadline was Dec. 1 for open position terms beginning January 1, 2023.

The board meets once annually in conjunction with the NRHA Annual Conference each May and via teleconference each quarter. All board members must remain a good-standing member of the National Rural Health Association for the duration of their term.

Journal of Rural Health Editorial Board

All board members serve three-year terms. Their duties include setting editorial content, soliciting manuscripts, reviewing manuscripts and recruiting reviewers.

Participation in editorial board events is required, as is active participation on a committee during the three-year election term.

The board meets once annually in conjunction with NRHA's Annual Rural Health Conference and via teleconference each quarter. Members pay their own travel and lodging expenses for the annual meeting. Potential candidates must have significant rural health experience and an established record of publications. Editorial board members must also be members of NRHA for the duration of their term.


Kevin Bennett Ph.D.


University of South Carolina School of Medicine

Michelle Mills


Colorado Rural Health Center

Joanie Perkins


North Sunflower Medical Center

Toniann Richard


Health Care Coalition of Lafayette County

Leslie Marsh RN


  1. Authority and responsibilities:With the editor, determining all matters pertaining to content and organization and, upon recommendation of the managing publisher or managing editor, determining matters pertaining to layout and design.
  2. Assisting the editor in soliciting and reviewing manuscripts for the journal.
  3. Supporting the editor in the implementation of journal activities. Specifics of such support may be related to decisions on manuscripts, recruiting potential reviewers, soliciting material for publication and writing editorials.
  4. Serving the journal as sounding board and promoter.
  5. Periodically reviewing the frequency of publication to determine its appropriateness.
  6. Establishing a nominating committee and recommending an editor.
  7. Monitoring journal quality and reviewing the performance of the editor on a continuing basis.
  8. Evaluating the performance of the editor on an annual basis

Contact Gabriela Boscan at 202-639-0550 for more information.

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